Time and Update

Facebook with message of events and festivals

Facebook the leading social network of today. Keeps updating and upgrading its services. Everyday people use facebook to connect with friends and family. Every news and new events are shared from facebook as soon as they happened. Facebook updated their features and is on regular update processing. Knowing that users are more attractive to facebook during special events and moments facebook lunches a new feature which invite users to share and talk about events and moments that are happening in their communities and around the world. Facebook with message of events and festivals

Message from facebook will pop up on the top of the screen during some special specific event or moment. Facebook wishes users for their holidays and festivals for all individuals. not only global festivals or national festivals but also local.

On the occasion of Maghe Sankrati

By showing all these users are interested in sharing the moments with friends makes users more connected. By desplaying the message it help people discover fun and interesting cultural moments. Celebrate moments in history that continue to make the world and peoples more connected.

From December 20, 2016 people will see a message from Facebook in their News Feed wishing them Happy Holidays. People will be invited to share a holiday card with their friends on Facebook and choose from a set of 18 custom-designed cards. mentioned by facebook. Facebook lunches this features wishing peoples for holiday and festivals.

With this people gets new ways to connect and share and be informed about events and moments happening in the world around them. Facebook with messages of events and festivals