I know this message or this post is not for you. Who is reading my post now, Yes it in not for you. I know the visitors on my sites are from search engines only(Maximum) and those who are from Direct also know all the things i am going to post here. And you guys may be very smart or you may know Very much more then this i post here. And the title is Google Google Google Search Search
Umm Just a day ago One of my brother ask me to do some task online using his Account. He want me to manage something in his account on some website. so he Provide me Email and Password. And you know I cant Remember the email address for long time it was really amazing and unique. But the Must Unexpected thing the password was easier then anything. ( May be the first world we try if somebody want to access others account). Check Strong Password for Secure Online
I login to that account and know that the account was not Verified till. So i call him and ask him to open this email and click on the verification link. The answer was I dont have Email .then i ask him what is this and his email address (I am not going to include his difficult email may i had forget) He answers that it was Gmail. HA HA HA. According him there is no internet so he Gives me The Password… Again the Unexpected The Password was same “(hisname)google”.
He describe when he login there the site ask for email and Password. So he Provide His Gmail and Gmail Password. I try to make him conform that you need to provide new password There not of that of your gmail account. But his answer was his friends and they all do this in their lab they all do the same. I dont think so. Or May be…
I want to post a message for all the peoples who will Never read this.
Hello Please learn Something Please Use Google. Being on Computer and using Youtube is not ……….. . Try to do something yourself (I mean try to ask with google).Just search yourself and find something yourself. Yes i know i always ask Brothers to help on some errors. But when First time i google and get solution. i am intrested and google all things i Need. Sometime i thing, I will stop blogging and do something for those who did not know to use search engine. Who did not know when Some site ask for password and email that was password for those site note Of Email itself. I want to Post a Post Titled
How to Google? What is Google?
Please Google

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.