Since, this is so the first time in the education system in the history of Nepal the school level final exam have a grading system. It also know as the Iron gate since SLC qualification required as a minimal requirement in respected Jobs available here in Nepal. The further study of the students is also determine by the SLC result. And SLC Result Published. For getting administration on a recognized and established institution one must have good academic performance for that SLC Result is taken as reference. The better result you have the better ‘+’ points you will achieved otherwise you need to do best on entrance examination. The grade you are awarded determine for what subjects you are qualified for but that’s doesn’t mean you have good grade you should take this subject or if you have lower grade don’t mean you can’t take as per your choice you can certainly do but you need determined yourself whether you could do it or not. Choice should be made according to your well not accordingly as your friend have done. SLC Result 2072 Has Been Published. Since this year SLC Examinations are Based on Gradeing, GPA(Grade Point Average) Will be the Published.
A Sample SLC Result.

Note: If you have secured D/E grade(s) in one or two subject(s), you can apply for supplementary exams. It Shows that Result is Published as this Grade on this Subject.
You can Check your Result online via I take Nepal Telecom ‘s Result as a Trusted Result. For Technical Result Result Visit SLC Technical Result.
You can Check Result Via Phone call too.
Dial 1600 and follow the instructions.
Also Through SMS.
Type slc and send sms to 1600
Example :- Type SLC 0201382D and send it to 1600
Good Luck. Understand Every Expert Were once a beginner. Never Give Up Education is the Weapon of Modern Man. Not To Forget Only Academic education is not Enough and Remember You Need Academic Education to Present yourself Before you they wont ask for what you know They ask for Whats your Academic level So Never Give Up.
Never Give Up. Keep Visiting Us.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.