Hello all, How is days going on? I am here with a guide to set up local server to Create AMP Apache, MySQL, and PHP environment on your system locally. Apache, MySQL, and PHP are the same programs that are installed on webhost’s server which allow to run web applications. (WordPress).
This tutorial will guide you through: Thee process of installing local server program (Easy Php Devserver).
Troubleshoot some common errors.
Install WordPress and test the server environment.
What is local Server?
Let’s first talk about local server. Though you are all clear from above content. Local server create web host environment on your local device. Local server programs install necessary components on your device and configure the components and set up ready to use environment.
Some of the Popular local server program are:
MAMP (Mac & Windows)
WampServer (Windows)
XAMPP (Windows, Mac, Linux)
DesktopServer (Windows, Mac)
DevServer (Windows)
Here we are Using DevServer to setup local server on windows. (Linux Users are expert on themselves :mrgreen:).
So here we go.
Visit this link Easy Php DevServer and download it that suits your PC. Then install it.
Then start the application if it Started successfully its fine. port 80 is free ( not used by another application ) if you got some error its really common. It complained that Port 80 is used by another application and you need to stop that application.

Apache port (80) is already used by another application ! Close this application and try to run again the server. To close this application : open easyphp folder>/binaries/tools/cports/cports.exe, find the line with the port already used in the column “Local Port”, right click and choose “Kill processes of Selected Ports”.
As there it suggest I think it will be easier to just open that cports.exe and clicking on kill process can fix that issue. But there is option to kill the app but was shaded( was not clickable) so here is better idea is about changing the port of Apache.
Follow the following steps:
On taskbar right click and go to “Configuration” then to “Apache”.
Open the file with Notepad.
Then find :80 and replace all :80 with :8080 (Ctrl+ F). and save the file.
Exit the devserver and restart it it should be started Successfully. Below is the link to YouTube Video of all the process. Everything till now should be fine. Now let’s install WordPress on the local server.
Install WordPress on LocalServer
To Start you need to download WordPress extract it. Visit this link WordPress.zip latest Then Download the latest version and extract.
On task bar right click on Devserver and click on “explore”. Then copy all the extracted files from WordPress to that folder ( let the 3 folders be there)
Then on taskbar right click on the devserver and click administrator( all server configuration are preformed here) and again next time click local web(this is where you view your local site).
On Administration click Open next to phpmyadmin(mysql) Then Create A database create a database username, password give it global permission.
Open local web click let’s go. Fill the blank accordingly and click submit. everything should be well if any confusion Check the link below for video from YouTube. Then Click run the Install.
then Fill the blanks site name username etc etc.. and click start installation. Then login.
Everything is Fine WordPress is successfully installed. Is not it easy? Any confusion?? check this video. All Process on Youtube
Thanks Sushil Bishwas Adhikari for Requesting this article.
Any problems or errors Comment below any Suggestion Contact us through Contact page.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.