Ncell had just announced to give free access to Facebook, the largest social network today, accessing Twitter and Wikipedia are also free from ncell Network. You can access to text version of facebook free, means you can get all status updates posts from there but need data to access video and photos need data. But still you can upload photos for free without Restriction. Get Free access to Facebook in Ncell

How to Access?
To access free version of facebook you need to turn on the data and use the official app or special link provided by ncell. Direct access to facebook dot com costs. remember to always restrict background data to loss unusual data flow.
If you are android users you can access facebook for free from facebook official app installed in your phone. Just open the app you will be noticed about the free updates If yo want to chat and read text posts you can continue or if you want to get images and more you can switch to data mode
iPhone and other smartphones
To access Free facebook from ncell through Iphone and other smartphone you should dial *17114# from your dallier and you will get a link through which you can access facebook for free.
Then you will receive an SMS from 17114 with a link to access facebook for free. Through that link you can access facebook for free.
Ncell Updates
Here is the Update from Ncell.
Now get text version of Facebook and photo uploads for free, only on Ncell. Enjoy unlimited photo uploads, likes, shares, comments and more. To start using Free Facebook, first switch on mobile data in your phone. If you use Android smartphone, go to your official Facebook app and click on free mode. If you use iPhone or other smartphones, dial *17114#. You will then receive an SMS with a link. Open the link and click free mode on your Facebook to start using for free. If you want to view photos and videos, you will have to go to data mode from the FREE mode. In data mode, your data pack will be consumed or you will be charged as per your tariff if you haven’t taken any data packs. Dial *123# and buy data pack and enjoy pictures and videos at the lowest rates. Don’t forget to disable your background data to prevent unwanted usage of data due to automatic updates, etc. Use Facebook for free in Ncell and be closer with your friends and family. Ncell. With you, always.
Facebook Text version is free in Ncell you can access facebook for free from Ncell. Enjoy the world largest social network in Ncell for Free. Get Free access to Facebook in Ncell

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.