Table of Contents
- 1 200 Best Coaches In Football Manager 20
- 2 Football Manager 2020 Attacking Coaches Tactical
- 3 Football Manager 2020 Attacking Coaches Technical
- 4 Football Manager 2020 Defending Coaches Technical
- 5 Football Manager 2020 Defending Coaches Tactical
- 6 Football Manager 2020 Possession Coaches Tactical
- 7 Football Manager 2020 Possession Coaches Technical
- 8 Football Manager 2020 Goalkeeper Coaches Handling & Distribution
- 9 Football Manager 2020 Goalkeeping Shot Stopping
- 10 Football Manager 2020 Fitness Coaches
Welcome to another episode of football manager 20. We have already covered some main articles on wonderkids and free agents. If you have missed the chance to read our previous article then you can do research on our blog. The mentioned article’s links will be listed below as well. Covering all this information, today we are back with the list of best coaches for football manager 2020.
Football Manager 20 is the latest version of the football manager series developed by SEGA. The brand new season of football manager 20 was released recently. You can see the craze and fan following of football manager, it is at the peak.
The game itself is so realistic. I mean it is the same as managing the real football club. You can take over any club from all over the world. Buying and selling players, media handling, winning the title and many more. Leaving all this behind, I am in love with the transfer window. Seriously, I like to buy players and also sell if my mate does not play well.
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I know most of you are also attached to the transfer window. It is so much fun and addictive. Ok now let’s move ahead to today’s topic.
200 Best Coaches In Football Manager 20

The jumbo list of 200 best coaches will surely help you to boost your player’s rating. You can pick any for your team. Cheap and high potential coaches are waiting for you. Use them in a proper way. I bet you will not regret it. This is just the beginning. We will update our blog regularly including all the information about FM20.
Why coaches are needed?
Not only in-game, but coaches are also equally important in the real world too. All sports require coaches. Coaches play an important role to develop the player or an individual. Just like in the real world. We need a teacher in our school to learn something new. They help us to learn and also to correct our mistakes.
In the same way, coaches in football also provide you all the essential knowledge. They will teach you the correct way to shoot the ball, defending, goalkeeping, dribbling and so on. This is why coaches are important for young talents as well as for professional players too.
Football manager 20 coaches for 5-star training
The list of coaches is enough for you to get the 5-star training. All the mentioned coaches have high potential and abilities. Training your players regularly will help them to boost their abilities. Use them in their own preferred position. I mean Goalkeeper coach in goalkeeper training. If you use the goalkeeper coach in attacking training then it will not be useful. To get the 5-stars rating you must notice their preferred role.
Football Manager 2020 Attacking Coaches Tactical
Name | Age | Nationality | Club | Wage |
Neil Banfield | 57 | ENG | QPR | 3,9 |
Norberto Batista | 57 | ARG | – | |
Loris Beoni | 60 | ITA | Zebre | 6 |
Odd Berg | 67 | NOR | Eide & Omegn | 400 |
Gianmario Corti | 56 | ITA | Inter | 2,3 |
Neil Critchley | 40 | ENG | Liverpool | 4,5 |
Emilio De Leo | 41 | ITA | Bologna | 5 |
Claudio Graf | 43 | ARG | – | |
Martin Hunter | 59 | ENG | – | |
Lars Knudsen | 41 | DEN | – | |
John Lammers | 55 | NED | – | |
Pepijn Lijnders | 36 | NED | Liverpool | 16,75 |
David Lowe | 53 | ENG | Blackburn | 2,8 |
Marcos Valadares | 41 | BRA | Vasco | 1,2 |
Giovanni Martusciello | 47 | ITA | Zebre | 2,3 |
Giovanni Pulvirenti | 54 | ITA | Catania | N/A |
Pedro Sallaberry | 50 | ARG | San Lorenzo | 825 |
Kevin Sheedy | 59 | IRL | – | |
João Tralhão | 38 | POR | – | |
Gianni Vio | 66 | ITA | SPAL | 4,8 |
Sergio Zanetti | 51 | ARG | Como | 625 |
Football Manager 2020 Attacking Coaches Technical
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
Ahmet Türk | 39 | TUR | VW Hamme | 300 |
Michael Beale | 38 | ENG | Rangers | 3300 |
James Beattie | 41 | ENG | Birmingham | 3300 |
Lucjan Brychczy | 36 | POL | Legia | N/A |
Duncan Ferguson | 47 | SCO | Everton | 6750 |
Claudio Graf | 43 | ARG | – | |
Pepijn Lijnders | 36 | NED | Liverpool | 16750 |
Marcos Valadares | 41 | BRA | Vasco | 1200 |
Tommy Martin | 55 | ENG | Man Utd | 1700 |
Giovanni Martusciello | 47 | ITA | Zebre | 2300 |
Kieran McKenna | 33 | NIR | Man Utd | 5500 |
Steve McManaman | 47 | ENG | Liverpool | 1100 |
Gabriel Medina | 48 | ARG | Lanús | 800 |
Stefano Melandri | 55 | ITA | – | |
Mista | 40 | ESP | Valencia | 3600 |
Nicolás Pavlovich | 41 | ARG | Vélez | 825 |
Paolo Riela | 36 | ITA | Fiorentina | 3100 |
Allan Russell | 38 | SCO | – | |
Mark Sale | 47 | ENG | – | |
Pedro Sallaberry | 50 | ARG | San Lorenzo | 825 |
Kevin Sheedy | 59 | IRL | – | |
João Tralhão | 38 | POR | – | |
Maurizio Trombetta | 56 | ITA | – | |
Hans Visser | 52 | NED | OHL | 3000 |
Tony Whelan | 66 | ENG | Man Utd | 1100 |
Neil Wood | 36 | ENG | Man Utd | 1700 |
Football Manager 2020 Defending Coaches Technical
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
Andrey Axionov | 38 | RUS | CSKA Moscow | 6000 |
Daniele Bonera | 38 | ITA | Milan | 4400 |
Steve Bould | 56 | ENG | Arsenal | 28000 |
Chendo | 57 | ESP | R. Madrid | 9500 |
Neil Critchley | 40 | ENG | Liverpool | 4500 |
Mark Delaney | 43 | WAL | Aston Villa | 1800 |
José Fernandes | 31 | POR | – | |
Salvatore Foti | 30 | ITA | – | |
Mauro Fumagalli | 40 | ITA | Atalanta | 2000 |
Vladimir Gudelj | 52 | BIH | Vigo | 5000 |
Jan Hoepner | 38 | GER | Bayer 04 | 1000 |
Martin Hunter | 59 | ENG | – | |
Moisés Hurtado | 38 | ESP | Espanyol | 3200 |
Hugo Ibarra | 45 | ARG | Boca | 775 |
Massimo Innocenti | 48 | ITA | – | |
João Antônio | 53 | BRA | Grêmio | 1000 |
Leandro Zago | 38 | BRA | Atlético Mineiro | 1200 |
Pepijn Lijnders | 36 | Netherlands | Liverpool | 16750 |
David Lowe | 53 | ENG | Blackburn | 2800 |
Luis Lúquez | 58 | ARG | Boca | 850 |
Marcos Valadares | 41 | BRA | Vasco | 1200 |
Juan Martagón | 51 | ESP | Sevilla | 8000 |
Francesco Mauri | 30 | ITA | Napoli | 5500 |
Mista | 40 | ESP | Valencia | 3600 |
Matteo Paro | 36 | ITA | Verona | 7250 |
Marco Pedroso | 40 | POR | SLB | 6000 |
Nacho Pérez | 39 | ESP | Málaga | 2800 |
Jimmy Shan | 40 | ENG | – | |
Neil Wood | 36 | ENG | Man Utd | 1700 |
Italo Zanzi | 45 | USA | – |
Football Manager 2020 Defending Coaches Tactical
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
Daniele Baldini | 55 | ITA | – | |
Steve Bould | 56 | ENG | Arsenal | 28000 |
Iván Córdoba | 42 | COL | – | |
Neil Critchley | 40 | ENG | Liverpool | 4500 |
Miguel D’Agostino | 47 | ARG | Tottenham | 16750 |
Wally Downes | 58 | ENG | – | |
Luca Facchetti | 41 | ITA | Inter | 2300 |
Stefano Firicano | 48 | ITA | Trapani | 1100 |
Martin Hunter | 59 | ENG | – | |
Giovanni Ignoffo | 42 | ITA | Avellino | 3000 |
Giuseppe Irrera | 57 | ITA | Fiorentina | 6000 |
Richie Kyle | 34 | ENG | – | |
Massimo Lo Monaco | 39 | ITA | Frosinone | 1300 |
David Lowe | 53 | ENG | Blackburn | 2800 |
Danny McGrain | 69 | SCO | Celtic | 3300 |
Gunther Metz | 51 | GER | – | |
Egil Olsen | 77 | NOR | Lyn | 210 |
Ricky Sbragia | 63 | SCO | – | |
Josu Urrutia | 51 | ESP | – |
Football Manager 2020 Possession Coaches Tactical
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
Franc Artiga | 42 | ESP | Barcelona | 1700 |
Renato Baldi | 40 | ITA | Bologna | 4900 |
Daniele Baldini | 55 | ITA | – | |
Loris Beoni | 60 | ITA | Zebre | 6000 |
Nélson Caldeira | 46 | POR | AS Monaco | 6250 |
Mark Chamberlain | 57 | ENG | Portsmouth | 1100 |
Neil Critchley | 40 | ENG | Liverpool | 4500 |
Miguel D’Agostino | 47 | ARG | Tottenham | 16750 |
Mark Dempsey | 55 | ENG | Man Utd | 2800 |
Alberto Encinas | 37 | ESP | Barcelona | 850 |
Julio Figueroa | 55 | ARG | Wolves | 3300 |
Giuseppe Irrera | 57 | ITA | Fiorentina | 6000 |
Pepijn Lijnders | 36 | NED | Liverpool | 16750 |
Davide Lucarelli | 56 | ITA | Milan | 5750 |
Giovanni Martusciello | 47 | ITA | Zebre | 2300 |
Ivan Moretto | 49 | ITA | Cagliari | 4500 |
Kevin Sheedy | 59 | IRL | – | |
João Tralhão | 38 | POR | – | |
Josu Urrutia | 51 | ESP | – |
Football Manager 2020 Possession Coaches Technical
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
Andrey Axionov | 38 | RUS | CSKA Moscow | 6000 |
Loris Beoni | 60 | ITA | Zebre | 6000 |
Daniele Bonera | 38 | ITA | Milan | 4400 |
Lucjan Brychczy | 36 | POL | Legia | N/A |
Salvatore Cerrone | 59 | ITA | Inter | 3500 |
Neil Critchley | 40 | ENG | Liverpool | 4500 |
Julio Figueroa | 55 | ARG | Wolves | 3300 |
Pepijn Lijnders | 36 | NED | Liverpool | 16750 |
Davide Lucarelli | 56 | ITA | Milan | 5750 |
Vittorio Emanuele Lupo | 44 | ITA | – | |
Juan Martagón | 51 | ESP | Sevilla | 8000 |
Tommy Martin | 55 | ENG | Man Utd | 1700 |
Giovanni Martusciello | 47 | ITA | Zebre | 2300 |
Francesco Mauri | 30 | ITA | Napoli | 5500 |
Steve McManaman | 47 | ENG | Liverpool | 1100 |
Mista | 40 | ESP | Valencia | 3600 |
Ivan Moretto | 49 | ITA | Cagliari | 4500 |
Renato Paiva | 49 | POR | SLB B | 4500 |
Danilo Pierini | 64 | ITA | – | |
Allan Russell | 38 | SCO | – | |
Kevin Sheedy | 59 | IRL | – | |
João Tralhão | 38 | POR | – | |
Maurizio Trombetta | 56 | ITA | – | |
Tony Whelan | 66 | ENG | Man Utd | 1100 |
Neil Wood | 36 | ENG | Man Utd | 1700 |
Football Manager 2020 Goalkeeper Coaches Handling & Distribution
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
André Amitrano | 61 | FRA | AS Monaco | 4200 |
Rui Barbosa | 45 | POR | Wolves | 3300 |
Joël Bats | 62 | FRA | – | |
Adriano Bonaiuti | 51 | ITA | Inter | 3500 |
Fernando Brassard | 47 | POR | – | |
Alex Brunner | 45 | ITA | Udinese | 3200 |
Carlos Pracidelli | 62 | BRA | – | |
Daniel Correia | 42 | POR | – | |
Grégory Coupet | 46 | FRA | OL | 5750 |
José Ramón De la Fuente | 48 | ESP | Barcelona | 4300 |
Ángel Férez | 53 | ESP | Almería | 2100 |
Fernando Miranda | 39 | BRA | Avaí | 975 |
Flávio Tênius | 55 | BRA | Botafogo | 1000 |
Simon Henzler | 42 | GER | Schalke 04 | 4000 |
Pedro Jaro | 56 | ESP | – | |
Christophe Lollichon | 56 | FRA | Chelsea | 13250 |
Massimo Nenci | 54 | ITA | Zebre | 5250 |
Alessandro Nista | 53 | ITA | Napoli | 3500 |
Hugo Oliveira | 40 | POR | Everton | 6750 |
Paolo Orlandoni | 46 | ITA | Inter | 3900 |
José Manuel Otxotorena | 58 | ESP | Valencia | 2000 |
Gustavo Piñero | 56 | ARG | – | |
Rogério Godoy | 47 | BRA | Grêmio | 1200 |
Marco Savorani | 54 | ITA | Roma | 3500 |
Stevie Woods | 49 | SCO | Celtic | 4500 |
Football Manager 2020 Goalkeeping Shot Stopping
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
André Amitrano | 61 | FRA | AS Monaco | 4200 |
Rui Barbosa | 45 | POR | Wolves | 3300 |
Joël Bats | 62 | FRA | – | |
Adriano Bonaiuti | 51 | ITA | Inter | 3500 |
Antonello Brambilla | 45 | ITA | Cagliari | 4000 |
Fernando Brassard | 47 | POR | – | |
Alex Brunner | 45 | ITA | Udinese | 3200 |
Carlos Pracidelli | 62 | BRA | – | |
David Coles | 55 | ENG | Forest Green | 1000 |
Daniel Correia | 42 | POR | – | |
Rui Correia | 51 | POR | – | |
Grégory Coupet | 46 | FRA | OL | 5750 |
José Ramón De la Fuente | 48 | ESP | Barcelona | 4300 |
Luis Esteves | 43 | POR | Al-Nassr (KSA) | 875 |
Ángel Férez | 53 | ESP | Almería | 2100 |
Fernando Miranda | 39 | BRA | Avaí | 975 |
Flávio Tênius | 55 | BRA | Botafogo | 1000 |
Simon Henzler | 42 | GER | Schalke 04 | 4000 |
Pedro Jaro | 56 | ESP | – | |
Christophe Lollichon | 56 | FRA | Chelsea | 13250 |
Silvino Louro | 60 | POR | – | |
Guy Martens | 60 | BEL | KRC Genk | 4000 |
Massimo Nenci | 54 | ITA | Zebre | 5250 |
Alessandro Nista | 53 | ITA | Napoli | 3500 |
Hugo Oliveira | 40 | POR | Everton | 6750 |
Paolo Orlandoni | 46 | ITA | Inter | 3900 |
José Manuel Otxotorena | 58 | ESP | Valencia | 2000 |
Gustavo Piñero | 56 | ARG | – | |
Christophe Revel | 40 | FRA | – | |
Teddy Richert | 44 | FRA | Montpellier | 4100 |
Roberto Barbosa | 45 | BRA | Cruzeiro | 1300 |
Rogério Godoy | 47 | BRA | Grêmio | 1200 |
Marco Savorani | 54 | ITA | Roma | 3500 |
Lorenzo Squizzi | 45 | ITA | Chievo | 1500 |
Philippe Vande Walle | 57 | BEL | Standard | 2000 |
Jorge Vital | 56 | POR | Braga | 3000 |
Stevie Woods | 49 | SCO | Celtic | 4500 |
Football Manager 2020 Fitness Coaches
Name | Age | Nat | Club | Wage |
Matt Allen | 32 | ENG | Tottenham | 1100 |
Alberto Andorlini | 66 | ITA | – | |
Anselmo Sbragia | 46 | BRA | Corinthians | 950 |
Kai Braun | 52 | GER | Bayer 04 | 1200 |
Lorenzo Buenaventura | 56 | ESP | Man City | 1800 |
Carlinhos Neves | 63 | BRA | São Paulo | 875 |
Élio Carravetta | 57 | BRA | Internacional | 975 |
Tony Colbert | 56 | ENG | – | |
João Carlos Costa | 46 | POR | – | |
Darlan Schneider | 55 | BRA | Botafogo (SP) | 1500 |
Eduardo Silva | 48 | BRA | Palmeiras | 950 |
Duccio Ferrari Bravo | 45 | ITA | Zebre | 3500 |
Simone Folletti | 46 | ITA | – | |
Antonio Gómez | 42 | ESP | Barcelona | 4300 |
Ismael Fernández | 42 | ESP | – | |
Andreas Kornmayer | 44 | GER | Liverpool | 7500 |
Davide Losi | 32 | ITA | Zebre | 3100 |
Alejandro Martínez | 50 | URU | – | |
Mário Monteiro | 55 | POR | Flamengo | 825 |
Charlie Moore | 29 | ENG | Tottenham | 950 |
José Alfonso Morcillo | 48 | ESP | Watford | 3300 |
Omar Feitosa | 52 | BRA | Palmeiras | 875 |
Edu Pons | 48 | ESP | Barcelona | 4300 |
Roberto Sassi | 68 | ITA | Zebre | 4000 |
Andrea Scanavino | 46 | ITA | Zenit | 550 |
Steve Tashjian | 47 | USA | Columbus | 1400 |
Marcelo Tulbovitz | 57 | URU | River | 825 |
Modesto Turrén | 64 | URU | Alianza | 230 |
Markus Zetlmeisl | 52 | GER | Schalke 04 II | 1500 |
That’s all for today. Hope to see you again in our next article. Keep in touch with us. Good luck.

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