A web hosting service is that service which allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide disk space. Web hosts allow you to upload files through File Transfer Protocol (FTP).A free web hosting service is a web hosting service that is free. Most of free hosts provide free hosting service with there advertisement in your web page. Free Web Hosting In Nepal
Here is List of free Hosting available in Nepal. These web hosts are totally free.
- 000webhost: ($0.00 webhost), is an industry leader in providing top class free web hosting services without advertising! There are no hidden costs, no adverts, and no restrictive terms. 1500 MB Disk – Space,100 GB / month – Data Transfer, 1 FTP account 5 Add-on Domains, 5 Sub-domains, 5 E-mail Addresses, 2 MySQL Databases. Host your website from here http://www.000webhost.com/.
- 5gbfree: Free 5GB Hosting 20GB bandwidth, 3 MySQL Databases, PHP scriptin. Host from here http://5gbfree.com/.
- 1FreeHosting: 100GB bandwidth, unlimited add-on domains, 5 free email accounts and 10 GB free disk space since 2001. Zero ads and c-panel provided at no cost with SSH. upport PHP 5, FTP Access, PhpMyAdmin, Password protected directories. Most of all feature that other Premium Hosting. Host from here http://www.1freehosting.com/ (Recommended)
- 2freehosting.com: All feature that 1Freehosting have with 20 GB Disk Space, 150 GB Bandwidth, 99.9% Uptime, FREE cPanel. Host your site from here https://www.2freehosting.com/
- freehostia: Disk space – 250 MB, Bandwidth – 6 GB, FTP accounts – 5. Host your site from here http://www.freehostia.com/
- FreeHostingNoAds: 20gb of free hard drive space and 200gb free bandwidth with no ads on every regular free hosting account. They have free hosting for html 5 sites and for regular websites. Something cool is you get free pop email accounts included with every free website hosting account created. Host your account from here http://freehostingnoads.net/
- nazuka: Disk space – 10 GB, Bandwidth – 100 GB, Addon Domains, FTP accounts – 5, Uptime – 99% and Online file manager. Host your Site From Here http://nazuka.net/
- hostinger: Disk Space – 2000 MB, Data Transfer – 100 GB, Unlimited – websites, FTP Access , PHP my admin tool and many more. Host your website from here http://www.hostinger.co.uk/ (Recommended)
Chek: SEO in Nepal Search Engine Optimization
You can select any of those above Hosts.
Remember To develop your Website You need to Go hand by hand Host and Domain provider. For Free Domains In Nepal Click here. Free Web Hosting In Nepal
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This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.