A web hosting service is that service which allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide disk space. Web hosts allow you to upload files through File Transfer Protocol (FTP). A free web hosting service is a web hosting service that is free. Most of free hosts provide free hosting service with there advertisement in your web page. But Here is a host which is completely free and it never insert their advertisement in your Page. Host Your Website for Free
To make your own website you need domain provider and hosting provider you can select any Free domain from Free Domains In Nepal and free host from Free Web Hosting In Nepal. Among the list of free hosts I select hostinger, which is Best one and easy to use. with 2000 MB disk space with 100 GB data transfer. So follow following process to host your website in Hostinger. Remember if you get good knowledge from this host you can handle other host properly.
To make your domain go to Register .np Domain for Free and follow the process and come here after after requesting a domain and need to provide nameserver.
To make Hosting account.
Visit This www.hostinger.co.uk. In top right corner click in Create account. Now in next page (loaded) under Register in one click: click in facebook to register from facebook if not select google. then accept hostinger to access your account data(personal info).
You made a account in host provider now you need to add the website name in host. So Click in Hosting and click in +New account.
|You want Free Host so click Order under Free.
Click in subdomain to host domain(Make Domain after choose a domain type) As in Register .np Domain for Free. In domain field enter that domain name you ask with register.mos.com.np . And fill Passsword. and Click Continue.
Solve the Caption Tick in I agree to the terms and conditions. And Click Order.
There is a message “Your domain is not pointed to our nameserver at the moment………………………………” It is because we had’t provide Nameserver of our host to that domain. To find Your Nameserver Click in Details Under Accounts.
Now You get Name servers and IPs From your Host now go to Domain provider and Input those nameserver and ip to the required field. Go to Register .np Domain for Free and fill the form.
After you add these nameserver and Ip to your domain provider, then only the website is pointed towards hosts (it may take some time) and You can control your website.
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This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.