News the very requirement for every people. Everyone like to get informed about the event happen in the world around. So, with the beginning of the day people are interested to look up the newspaper for the purpose of getting informed about fresh news, views, opinion, weather reports, articles on current topics, bank exchange rate, cinema news, advertisements, stories, poems, literary article, articles for children and women, bussiness news, etc. Different people like different sorts of news. Some people can also interest on newspaper only for horoscope. Newspapers in Nepal
Some Famous Newspaper in Nepal
There is no long history about the development of newspaper in Nepal, check History of Newspaper in Nepal. Within the short period of its origin it has done a lot of progress after the democracy (in 1950).
Daily newspaper: Most of these are national wide and available in every city and town of Nepal.
- Gorkhapatra
- The Rising Nepal
- Nagarik
- Republica
- Kantipur
- The Kathmandu Post
- Annapurna Post
- The Himalayan Times
- Nepal Samacharpatra
- Rajdhani Daily
- Naya Patrika
- Karobar Economic Daily
- Aarthik Abhiyan Daily
- Aarthik National Daily
Weekly newspaper:
- Arghakhanchi Times
- Bhudhabar Weekly
- White Himal Weekly
- Jana Aastha National Weekly
- Arghakhanchi.Com Weekly
- Nepali Times
- Dristi Weekly
- Chhalphal Weekly
- Suryodaya Weekly
- Sambhodhan
- Sandhya Times
- Sapthahik
- Jaljala khabar patrika
- Greater Nepal National Weekly
- Sarangkot Weekly
Fortnightly: Himal, Nepal
Monthly: International forum, Navayuva, Madhupark, Kamana, Nari, Mulyankan, etc.
Although these are available in the city and urban areas these all the papers haven’t reach every corner of Nepal. So these sorts of media should be in reach of every Nepalese in each corner.Time is changed now all the listed above sites are also displayed digitally from their official website daily. Among top sites in Nepal news sites cover the around 50% of all sites This shows the interest of news for peoples in our country. Newspapers in Nepal

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.