Nepal telecom the national telecom of Nepal keeps updating its services and features on the way NTC Update many features added many and remove many features. To make a better change some time some services should be taken down. Nows days Nepal Telecom is marking progress in its features. Nepal Telecom Ntc ( Namaste ) Reactive its balance transfer service with a simple modifications. Now you sender as well as reciver will get notification of Balance transfer through SMS. Reciver will get SMS as (The number Send you (the balance). The Sender also get SMS as (the balance) Sucessfully Transfered to (the Number). Nepal Telecom (Ntc) Balance Transfer Service
You can Send Balance just by * # command. Previously this service was was a kind of different from now. That there is a little different on the process. to mention that previously we need to mention how much we need to send in Paisa but now Rupee is to be used. there is also a alternative way for the transfer of the balance.
Alternative ways
Using SIM toolkit. For this feature you sim should be new one i am not sure but it should be buy after 2071 or may be some months before. to use this feature go to sim toolkit [for android user] simply [sim option] for other phone. select it on menu the Select M-Commerce [for me may also for you too] Then select Pre Paid Service , so it means your phone should be a pre paid simcard. The select transfer. insert the security code then enter mobile no. then enter amount in rupee. you will get a succeed tag.
Using USSD code: Its similar to the previous way only different is you need to insert amount in Rs insist of Paisa.
*422*Security code*The Reciver No.*Balance(in RS)#
Nepal Telecom (Ntc) Balance Transfer Service Now enjoy sharing your amount with your friends and family. Remember you should remember your Security code.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.