Domain Name Server (System), an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they’re easier to remember for people. The Internet, computers or machines however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. Zone Records what? DNS Management
When you type in a web address, e.g.,, your Internet Service Provider views the DNS associated with this domain name, translates it into a machine friendly IP address (for example is the IP for and directs your Internet connection to the correct website.
Zone Files
Zone files organize the zone records for domain names and subdomains in a DNS server. Every domain name and subdomain has a zone file, and each zone file contains zone records. These files, editable in any plain text editor, hold the DNS information linking domain names and subdomains to IP addresses. Zone files usually contain several different zone records.
Zone Records:
NS Record: NS records specify the authoritative nameservers for the given domain. In every DNS zone, there must be at least two NS records.
A Record : A records (also known as host records) simply point a domain name or sub domain to an IP address.
AAAA Record: Only for IPv6 Host. AAAA records store the IPv6 address for a given domain name or subdomain. They follow the standard colon delimited format.
CNAME Record : CNAME records (also known as alias records) point a subdomain to an already existing A (host) record so that the subdomain resolves to the appropriate IP address.
MX Record: MX records are for routing email that is addressed to a particular domain name. Like a CNAME record, an MX record points one domain name or subdomain to another domain name or subdomain for which an A record exists.
TXT Record:TXT records consist of a text string that communicates protocol-specific information to certain protocols such as SPF.
SRV Records: SRV records (also known as service records) are responsible for localizing specific domain-related services such as FTP, HTTP, and SIP.
Terms While Adding Zone Records:
Host: (name) Host is the domain name or subdomain to which the record applies.
Points To: (Target) The points to value is the IP address, Mail server to which the record’s domain name or subdomain resolves.
TTL: Time To Live is the average time it takes your changes to propagate.
I hope you get what you need to know this are bassic things you should know while using dns records. And it is very usefull to maek multi subdomain and host them on different server use different mail manage system ans use blogger as costume domain using subdomain and many more. Zone Records what? DNS Management You can comment bellow if you need any short of help from my side.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.