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Hello all Ncell users here we try to collect all the offers provided by Ncell for Free without any charge. Ncell Upahar Offer Free Use All the offers listed here are free complacently free from Ncell Network.
Free Facebook 2017/02 Update
Facebook Is free from Ncell As to describe all I need to create a septare articel for this Check it here Facebook Being Free In Ncell Nepal 2017. Enjoy Facebook Free. Facebook will be free in Ncell from 15 th of February 2017.
Free Facebook in Ncell *325# without data
Now you can access facebook for free in ncell from USSD Code. You can check News Feed, Update post status, Post of wall, viem friend request, messages, Notifications and many other. You just need to provide your email [username] and password. {i tried on one of my fb account which is no more active Be carefull while providing your password}
Just dial *325# provide your email password and enjoy. I dont recommended to use it although you can get updates from your friends even without data ie. Internet. Comment box is always there for you. But most time system busy, please try later will be the response and its really annoying [thats why its free].
Shrawan 32 Update Celebration Offer Free 50 Minutes 500 SMS
Since Ncell was sold to Axiata. From today Ncell will be Branded under Axiata officially. For the Celebration being with Axiata its Providing To active One time Offer. It include 50 Minutes talk time and 500 Sms valit Inside Ncell Network and for 7 days of activation
You can activate it till Bhadra 14.
To activate Call 17121 or type A and Send Sms to 17121.
Hello friends if you are using ncell you can activate a offer Named “Upahar offer” you can get different services as offer. You can activate it free of costs. Some random Offers are 5 Minutes talktime. 9 MB data, 25 Bonus Balance. Those offers are valid only till Midnight. As Ncell it will be Provided for Next 90 Days.
Just go to number pad and Dill *17124# and call. Now you can just call at 17124
Free 5 SMS is on my Sim and also 5sms on my next sim too. but it did not mean we all get SMS only one of my friend get 5 minutes call. But I did not meet any lucky. You may be the luckiest Just try. Comment bellow what you get.
You will get the following Message:
It takes around a minute to response you and inform you what type of offer is Provided to you. They will send a sms with in a minutes. The Response for me was
Now Enjoy The service Provided by Ncell.
This Service is valid till 7 June 2016.
Ncell 100 MB Trick. Your Mobile can be looded with 100 MB for 7 Days ie. a week. Its is not Really any trick but its the service Provided by Ncell. 100 MB Free internet trial Pack. If Lucky Enjoy.
Free 100 MB 7 Days Update
I Know about This on 15 th June
Ncell Is providing 100 MB of Data Package For Free to theirs Users. According to them it is a Segmented offer. ( Only Selected Users ) will Get chance to get this service. But For That you need to call on 9832. Then if you Get SMS from Ncell. You are the Lucky one you can enjoy 100 MB For free Valid for Next 7 Days. If you don’t receive any SMS you can’t get That offer. According to Ncell its Randomly Selected Numbers by their system. its no based on how much user spend on ncell. They mention this on Response to my tweet.
I am not the Lucky one. Just Dial 9832 from ncell Network. If you are Enjoy The Free 100 MB valid for 7 Days. Ncell Upahar Offer Free Use

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.