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Hello friends B. Sc. CSIT Entrance Result 2073 has been Published on 12th of Ashwin (Today). B. Sc. CSIT Entrance Result 2073 Published Pending Results for 2073 Are also Published on Ashwin 26. If you are passed you can admite on any college where sits are available.
Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) is one of the oldest and the largest technical institutes in TU with 13 Central Departments, 23 constituent campuses and 48 affiliated campuses. as information of IOST official site. BScCsIT (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology) of is a course offered under IOST. You can Check about the Course on Wikipedia Bachelor of Science in Information Technology here you can compare the course aboard and of Nepal.
B. Sc. CSIT Entrance Result 2073 Published Total 2940 Student’s result are published who can admit in collages they choice all over Nepal. and further 404 no of students are listed under Pending List. why is pending shown in result of BScCsIT? It may be as a waiting list or your documents are incomplete Or if you know you had done better than (You know you score much more than the Marks listed) it will be better to contact IOST. But IOST Site was down Because of
509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
On Both of (IOST and CSIT) Official site Students may not be able to check out their Result. As being a result waiting of BSCSIT i used to regularly Checked the sites but those were down since 5 or six days because of Bandwidth Limit EXceeded. (Being the Oldest technical institutes). So i Provide PDF files of the result on this post.
Result Pending:-
Most students are asking why is pending shown in result of BScCsIT? and one of my friend is also listed under this list. While I create this article i was almost unknown about What is really this Result Pending means I Try to contact some of the collages and one of the college inform me that Result Pending means Complete Documents are not Submitted to IOST. Please Submit the incomplete documents in IOST Dept. of TU. Please visit the collage from where you fill the form During office time.
Here are the List of some of the collages of BSCCSIT: Reference BSCCSIT dot com
Texas International COllege Address : Chabahil , Kathmandu |
Kathmandu Bernhardt COllege Address : Bafal, Kathmandu |
ACHS College Address : Dhobidhara, Kathmandu |
Sambriddhi College Address : Bhaktapur |
Samajik College Address : Bhaktapur |
Swastik College Address : Bhaktapur |
Kathford College Address : Lalitpur |
Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology Address : Lalitpur |
Himalaya College of Engineering Address : Lalitpur |
Indreni College Address : Chitwan |
Napathya College Address : Rupandhi |
Lumbini ICT College Address : Nawalparasi |
Prithivi Narayan Campus Address : Pokhara |
– |
Some Other College
Aberdeen International College | Academia International College |
Aims College | Ambikeshwori Campus |
Ambition Academy | Amrit Science Campus |
Asian School of Science and Technology | Asian School of Management |
Banke Bageshwori College | Birat Kshitiz College |
Birat Multiple College | Birendra Memorial College |
Birendra Multiple Campus | Butwal Multiple Campus |
College of Applied Business | Deerwalk Institute of Technology |
Hari Khetan Multiple Campus | Henry Ford International College |
Hetauda City College | Himalaya College of Engineering |
Himalaya Darshan College | Indreni College |
Kathmandu BernHardt College | Kathford International College |
Lumbini ICT College | Madan Bhandari Memorial College |
Mission College | Model Multiple College |
Mount Annapurna Campus | Nagarjuna College of Information Technology |
National College of Computer Studies | National Infotech College |
Nepalgunj College | New Summit College |
Nihareeka College | NIST College |
Orchid International College | Patan Multiple Campus |
Prime College | RamSwaroop RamSagar Multiple Campus |
Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology | Samajik College |
Sambridhi College | Shaheed Smriti Multiple Campus |
Shree Yantra College | Siddhanath Multiple Campus |
Soch college of IT | St. Lawrence College |
St. Xavier’s College | Supernova College |
Sushma and Godawari College | Swastik College |
Texas International College | Tinau Technical College |
Trinity International College |
I Visit The site it was active that time i had downloaded the result you can click download it here. Check out the Pending Result Published on 2073-7-26 2nd Published Pending Result of B.Sc. CSIT Entrance 2073
B. Sc. CSIT Entrance Result 2073 Published as I am also the Student waiting this result. I am Listed on 350. I want you and me being a good friends and can share our knowledge. Contact me on Facebook and twitter @info_Devkota. I am planning to make a Site (Social site only Students can join) hopping you guys also Support me there. Please contact me for Online earning ideas as we need them during course and projects.
Class Start: Mangsir 1 2073
First Exam: Baishakh 2074

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.