Hello all! how is Days going on? Today I am here to inform you all [ Mostly my Friends and my Regular Viewer Who always ask for Better way to Learn ] about a Tool that is Great Really Great tool to learn coding. I myself enjoy my days on this site. Do you know This is listed on the top page on my Chrome home page. I am a lazy boy too lazy is better but by joining this site I myself fell as a active man. Really this will increase your interest and you will learn much. It is an open source community that helps you learn to code. Free Code Camp Learn Coding And the Interesting thing You can earn certificates too.
Its about a week I join this Camp and I get myself a great satisfaction on my Progress. I just completed 2 Projects. Just a easy ones. It may takes long time to you as I had some knowledge about this before. Or May be much less time too, if you are also a lazy one like me who knows the syntax but rarely run fingers on keyboard. You can join Free Code Camp Through this Link https://www.freecodecamp.com.
Here are some more about Free Code Camp. Statistics are of 7th Oct. 2016 The day this Post Published.
Established: 723 days ago
Completed: 22,051,849 challenges
Donated: $1,050,000in pro-bono code
Pledged: $152,047 to nonprofits
Front End: 2,735 earned
Data Viz: 258 earned
Back End: 190 earned
All three: 93 earned
You yourself can figure it out that With in 723 days of Establishment there are Such a Hugh Data. And I know it should be much more. You can start learning even without a basic concept of Programming. Its pattern to take you from basic to complex is so smooth that you don’t feel a jump on it. I know about it from one of my friend named Ramesh Syangtan. When i ask him about the certificate and when he join FCC.
It’s Been around 11 Months, since I joined Free Code Camp. It took 5 months to get Certificate, i guess.
How it Works
Here is my Profile on Free Code Camp. You will know by yourself why its really Interesting Check this yourself.

As on The top Right Corner [ 157 ] Its is the total no of Challenged you passed. It always shows you about your rank with in your friends you know, I never wan lose. It always inspire you to Code and pass the challenge. And when you just do a challenge it makes you so much interested that you yourself want to do the Next one. Map shows the list of challenges. On Chat you can chat with other who are learning. When ever you sucked you can just click on chat and ask for help. and if you help you will get points too. And the calendar shows your presentation on the site and total no of challenge you completed that day. On completing some certain section you need to do some project by yourself. its really great to refresh and use code yourself.
I really enjoy here and I hope i can boost my coding skill much. The main reason I am sharing this site here is to just inform you about this site and how much great tool is it. Its not any kind of promotion. Free Code Camp Learn Coding hoping you join and boost your skill yourself.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.