Table of Contents
There are hundreds or reason for you to use Linux Operation system over other OS. Today in this special post we will try you to provide you some of the key points for you to use Linux over other OS. The first reason to use Linux is because its LINUX. It is the world largest project where large no. of Peoples are involved. Here are the reason to switch to Linux whoever you are or what ever you do. It’s not only for advanced users. So here is Start using Linux Whoever you are
Highly secure
Using Linux is the best way to get rid of Virus and malware. Virus and malware are alien to Linux world. Linux is known for its security features. It doesn’t mean that Linux do not have Virus at all but in Linux everything is file and directory so you can easily remove the file (program). Every time you need root privilege to change system files. In general condition users are log in as regular users so the virus cannot damage the system except the documents of that program. Linux is an Open source software which means thousands of developers review the code in every release there is no any backdoor in this OS to control users.
Highly stable
Linux Server are used by 96.3% of all top 1 million websites. The up-time for Linux is 99.9%. Among top 25 domain all use Linux server except ( and which are the product of Microsoft). During the last years there is much improvement in Linux desktops too. Its is stable. Linux run as fast as it did during the first installations. I do remember rebooting windows every 2 or 3 months.
Linux is Free
Linux is free in term of not only price but also freedom. Linux is totally yours you can modify as your requirements. There is no restriction on developing and redistribution of this. Its better to use the free software then the cracking a Proprietary OS running the script to extend the trial every week. 🙂
Compatible with any hardware
People stuck in windows XP is the only that their device cannot fulfill the minimum requirement of the other latest version of the windows. Linux is for every one of any hardware. It runs smoothly in any device. Linux doesn’t required heavy weight computer system. PC from 90’s and early 2000’s can run Linux OS on them smoothly.
Easy to use
What everyone think about Linux is that it is only for experts and command-line users. Which is not turn nowadays. During 90’s Yes Linux is for command-line users only but nowadays. There is user-friendly GUI which is really beautiful. you can easily update to the latest updates released by OS and other application and the good thing about it is you need not to restart to make it works. And you are never forced to update. I totally use GUI during the first year or more at Linux and I really used to enjoy it.
New Software
With Linux everything is simple. Linux has “Package manage” each piece of software is contained in its own package. If you need some new software you just open the package mange and type the key words choose the software for there and install it. You can find all the software in one place without googling though the web.
Update process
The only thing I hate about the Microsoft’s windows is during the update. It block users to access the PC for hours just to so the updates.
Preparing to configure windows do not shutdown your system
and those pop ups from the applications to update to newer version. In Linus is easy you just start the update process and start working with your PC after the update is over it’s all fine not ever a single reboot. you can check the updates regularly and update whenever you want.
Drivers Included
Story of drivers in windows. It’s really hard to find the compatible driver for your device. Most of these drivers are supported directly by the Linux kernel so it’s as easy as plug and play to any new device you add. I don’t think I need to mention the story of windows for driver.
The best thing about the Linux is there are large no. of community that supports Linux discussion and you will get the fast response to your query and questions. Lots of volunteers are working online to fix the problems and help other users. Paid services are also available 24/7 for some commercial enterprises like Red Hat.
Choose yourself what you want to view select the view of your desktop from more than half a dozen desktop environment including GNOME and KDE. System admins can enjoy the powerful command line tool to write scripts for timely maintenance and other routine tasks.
Its Open Source
Its Linux
The best thing about the Linux is its run smooth even in the old and low processing power device. There is very beautiful GUI. Learning command line is the best way for you to get job in this growing world. System administration is one of the most pay job in the world. Start using Linux because its is Linux. Start using Linux Whoever you are

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.