Custom URL/Username for Your Google + Profile

Hi friends after long time i am back with a tutorial showing how to get username for your google + profile. This post is quite similar with our previous article Custom URL/Username for Your Facebook. All the things are same like username make you to remember your profile address easy, easy to find and Standard obviously. Custom URL/Username for Your Google + Profile

So First this is my Google + profile without username

Here in the address bar there is numbers after u/0/(numbers) it is a default identity for your profile. For getting username in Google+ you need more Then 9 Followers. If you have followers 10 or more Start through following steps else start making friends and come back here.

Firstly visit your google+ profile
Then click on About tab.
Move Downwards and go to Links you will See

Google+ URL
Your profile is eligible for Costom URL

Then Click in Get URL

You may not exactly get as shown in the image because my profile is linked in Youtube

Now insert some extra letters On the available field.
It is because some other people have already set their URL in your name.
Now Click in Change URL.
Conform again if Asked

Finally you have done it

Now you can directly Visit to my Google+ Profile from this link
Custom URL/Username for Your Google + Profile if need any help comment box is always there.