Hello blogger users! Firstly i create a blog on blogger when i was on grade 9. and I think i made a great thing. I was always on hurry to come back to home and check the status of my blog. However all the posts on my blog were used to be from other sites that were interesting. Then when i set custom domian for my blogger blog as blogger blog to your domain. There is only problem my root domain display error message. I want my root domain (non WWW) also redirect to my blogger blog with custom domain. And this article is about redirecting our non www (root domain) to www (blogger blog with custom domain). non www to www in Blogger Custom Domain
This Guide will help you in redirection non www version of your website no www version of your website which is hosted in blogger’s custom domain. Adding 2 CNAME record in your DNS Zone edit all you to use blogger website (name.blogspot.com) to be shown in www.yourdomain.com or *****.yourdomain.com .
First of all go to your Blogger Dashboard and switch the blog. In that blog go to Settings Basic Under Publishing. Click Edit next to your custom Domain and Tick mark in Redirect yourdomain.com in www.yourdomain.com.
Now Login to your Hosting and Go to DNS Zone editor. If you need free DNS management plateform check out Get Rid of MOS Approval delay .np domain
You’ll need to create four separate A-records which point to four different Google IPs.
Add A Records
Now After Some hours (It is the time taken to resolve DNS) your website’s non www will be redirected to your www domain. now your root domain visitors are redirected to your blogger blog with custom domain. non www to www in Blogger Custom Domain Any problem? I am always on the comment box below.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.