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Today is the birthday of Facebook. So Today Facebook users can Share request for a video. Facebook will make video to celebrate its 13 th birthday. The video is really funny and there it displays your photos, tagged photos mostly and profile pictures of friends as a body of the dancing thing on the video. Facebook Friendship day Facebook’s birthday Today here we will go through facebook history and the process how to share the friends day facebook video. You can share your video with us providing the link in the comment.
Follow this guide for Creating Facebook Friends day video 2018:- How to Create Facebook Friends Day Video.
Facebook is celebrating its friends day and Every one in facebook are sharing their videos and it was made by facebook for them. And we will also share our Videos made by facebook for us. Here you will get all How can I see, edit and share my Friends Day Video?
Are You Searching For Friendiversary? Here it is :- How to Share memory in Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg wrote a program called “Facemash” on October 28,2003 while attending Harvard University as a second year student. That Site was just Comparing two Person. Users can select Hot or not. The movie “The Social Network” 2010. The site was quickly forwarded to several campus group list-servers, but was shut down a few days later by the Harvard administration. Zuckerberg faced expulsion and was charged by the administration with breach of security, violating copyrights, and violating individual privacy. Zuckerberg began writing code for a new website in January 2004. On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched “Thefacebook”, originally located at

In 2005, the company dropped “the” from its name after purchasing the domain name for US$200,000 The domain belonged to AboutFace Corporation before the purchase.
And Today is Its 13th Birthday. Here is the Post Made By Mark about the Facebook Friends day.
Mark Zuckerberg 5 February 2015 · Today is a day to celebrate friends. It’s also Facebook’s birthday, but today isn’t about celebrating us. It’s about friendship. This sounds simple, but not often enough are we taught to celebrate friends. Growing up, we learn that homework and chores are more important and need to be done before we can spend time with friends. As adults, we’re told we’re responsible when we put our work ahead of our family and friends. Friendship isn’t a distraction from the meaningful things in life. Friendship is what gives meaning to our lives. Our friendships make the world work. We laugh, we cry and we learn with friends. We eat, we shop and we work with friends. And when we fight for what we believe and change the world, we do that with friends too. As we all do our part in this journey to connect the world, it’s important to remind ourselves to celebrate what’s at the root of it all: friendship. Thank you for being part of our community of friends. Let’s turn today into a day to celebrate a friend. #friendsday
You can request facebook to make your video on this. You just is need to follow this link You just need is to click in that link and Click in Request Video and you need to wait for some minutes so that facebook will create the video for you.
Check:- Secure Your Facebook Account Hack Proof
How to Remotely Logout Facebook.
Do you Know you can Download your Video? Just check this post. Download Facebook Video in a click.
Go to and As you had already requested Click in Edit Video and there you can Choose the photos you want to appear in your video. Also you can uploade images from your devices. After you make all the Changes you also can Select audience who can share your video. Then After all Click in Post button there. Then your Video will be shared to your selected users in facebook. Give us your Video Link in the Comment section.
Friends Day Video are only available for Facebook Personal Profiles. If you don’t see video for you remember that you may not have enough content for a video.
Have a good day Create the video about you and your friends and share it.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.