Table of Contents
Hello All Today here is a guide to make your own personal website. For a simple personal website you need not to pay anything at all. There are free tools all around web. It may takes you some minutes. or a-2 hours maximum. You can set your Personal website. Your personal blog works as your online resume. You can connect your all social network account there. You can display your progress there you can share impotent events and whatever you like. I do have my personal website which is all using free tool. Start Your Personal Website Today I had posted an update on Why to have a Personal Website check it.
Personal Website
Now first let Us know some thing about personal website. Personal website are pages on World Wide Web created by a person for personal content. Primarily personal website are for personal career marketing as here we include out skills worked experiences and our details like CV. In personal blog we share our hobbies, family information, our blog, opinions, our writing on other sites and our social links to connect we us much.
We need domains and hosting to publish our site online so how could we get a domain? Many online products serve your personal blog website for free as on the sub domain. sub domain is the that domain created adding some extra words before root domain. Here is root domain and is a sub domain. Generally provides your sub domain for blogging. Here we will use blogger to create a static website and a blog for our personal website. So first visit and create your account there (If new). And create two blogs there. We will customize one as a static personal blog. and another for our Personal blog.
Set Up Personal Site
Now you have some place to store your online contents. Blogger will works as domain and hosting for you. Now we need to create contents for our blog. As I mentioned earlier do on the blog we want to make static domain follow this process to set your own html content there Own HTML in Blogger Blog Static Page. From this post you can use your own html codes to be hosted in blogger blog. If you don’t have the skills to set up html content for your sit please search on Github for some source code of personal static page. Also you can contact us for support.
By now we set some contents in our site now you can post your opinions on blog and post it to Public. You can customize your blog to look great by searching for some free blog template. Google it. It will be too hard to setup your own codes for blogger blog. So search for some template and install in your blog.
To be Continue
I know this Post is Uncompleted and have no any Defined starting and ending. I generally don’t post such contents so I don’t have my regular visitors for this topic so if any one just follow the above process and want further process. I will continue just needed is your feedback. Do comment if you need more content and extend this topic.
Domains alternatives? Hosting alternatives? Blogger alternatives? Yes there are much more alternatives for all these. Check Free Domains For some free domains although this post is regional it works for global users. Check Free Domains Here you get some free space for hosting. If you fell uneasy with blogger syntax you can use free domains for static site and blogger for blog. is another best alternative for blogger. Start Your Personal Website Today

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.