Table of Contents
You may spent most of your internet time in facebook. Me either. There may be other hundreds of options on Facebook that we had not used. Well here we would collect all the how to facebook. It would be something like how to (do something in) Facebook. The Facebook website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg, during his study at Harvard College. Since 2006, anyone age 13 and older has been allowed to become a registered user of Facebook. The Facebook name comes from the face book directories often given to United States university students.
All the Contents in this article can be found on the Table of Contents. Click in the Topic you need the guide for and you will be shifted to the heading of that article. Here we will try to cover most of the topics and those which seems confusing. Well, now you are on Time and Update and you won’t be confused anymore :). Follow the how to guide and do what you want to get. Don’t forget to share whenever you fill the article helpful.

Delete Account
You can simply delete your facebook from this link If you want to download your facebook data all the information about in facebook your can simply download a copy of your date through the settings General Account Settings. At the last of general account setting there is option to download Your facebook data. Click in Download a copy. Then Click in Start My Archive. Whenever its ready facebook will send you notification and email. In general condition It would take some minutes.
Unblock Someone
It is easy to block other users in facebook. When you block someone, that person can no longer see things you post, tag you chat with you. But S/he will still be seen in the group where both participate in. To Unblock someone first click in settings. You can find settings from top right option (Before logout). Then in Settings select Blocking. Which is in the second section. You can reach there using this link Now under Block users you will find the list of users you had blocked. Just click in the Unblock option. you’ll have to wait 48 hours before you can re-block.
Change Birthdate
In general condition (if you had not reached limit) you can simply update You facebook Birthday from the about section in the facebook. First visit your profile and then Click in the About section. Then Click in the Contact and Basic Info section. You will find Birthday in BASIC INFORMATION section. Click in the edit icon And change your Birthday. If you had recently changed your Birthday you may need to wait some days to edit it again.
Check:- Download Facebook Video in a click
If you can not change your Birthday. If your limit reached in charging birthday you can simply Use this form Select your Year Then month and then Day and Fill the Reason for this change from the dropdown. The option in Reasons looks good 🙂 Then Click Send.

Deactivate Facebook
Deactivating Facebook account is a way to be away from facebook. You can be back and continue using facebook, whenever you like. Deactivating will disable your profile, your name will be unclickable when it is seen in you friends lists. All the photos and posts you posted will be hidden. Your name will still be seen in friends list and Messages you sent are still visible in theirs profile. You can Deactivate your Profile from this link Your account will be automatically Reactivated if you log in only.
Check:- How to Remotely Logout Facebook
Change Password
To change Facebook Password Click in the settings. In the settings Select the Security and Login from the Left menu. Then under Login section there is option Change Password. Click there and Enter Old and new passwords And Save Change. You can get here directly with this link. Click in section and follow the process.
Check:- Secure Your Facebook Account Hack Proof
Requests Personal Data
Facebook Always allow users to download their data. You can simply download your facebook data from the general account settings. Click in Download a copy. Then Click in Start My Archive. Whenever its ready facebook will send you notification and email. In general condition It would take some minutes.
What if your account is suspended and you want to Download your Facebook information? Ya there is a way to do so too. For that Go to this link and Fill the Form It include all the posts messages, photos and other your log in facebook.
Remove apps
If you had used facebook to login to other sites. Or if you had used some apps in facebook and you want to remove access to your facebook account. You can remove these apps in a click. First go to settings and in settings select Apps. Now you will find all apps accessing your profile Under the Logged in with Facebook. Click in Revoke access to remove these apps to access your facebook profile. You can reach the apps setting using this link directly
Check:- Set up 2 Step Verification Google Facebook
Create Page
Pages are best way to engage with peoples in facebook. You can create any number of pages, but I think business pages are limited to only one or two. There are Pages types:- Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, Cause or Community. You can select any of these pages and Started with. You can find Create section in the bottom left corner. Select Page from there and then Select the type and follow the process. You can simply reach there by this link.
Friends list private
By default all your friends are visibles to your friends and all public. Every users out there in facebook could see who are on you friends lists. If you want you can make it private or friends only. For that go to your facebook profile and Click in the Friends. Then you will get list of friends and on that friends section you will find a pen icon. Click on that pen icon. Then select Edit Privacy. Now you can select the visibility for Your friends and followers through the respective drop down options.
Allow Everybody to Follow
There are option to follow to some peoples and it is missing in your Profile? Do you want other users to follow you in facebook? You can follow celebrities, journalists and anyone else you want using the follow button. Now how to allow other to follow you? To enable follow in your profile visit to this link. Here is more information about the follow too. Just go to that link and click Turn on Follow. Now you are asked to edit the followers settings. Now you can limit to friends request to friends of friends only too. Set other settings and click in OK.
Find Facebook Watched Video History
Facebook is being popular for videos shared online. Peoples start hours of time watching videos in facebook. When we start watching a video in facebook we ended up watching lots of similar videos from all around facebook. But What if you liked the video you watched some days ago? How to find the video you had watched recently? So To watch the recently watched video in Facebook you need to visit Video watched. Or Go to Activity log, Find Filter option and select Videos you have watched. Here you will find all the videos you have ever watched in facebook. You can clear Watched video history from Clear Watched Videos option.
This post may Looks small and not fulfilling all the how to facebook But we will Keep updating and adding this in this page. So that you can get help from this post. Don’t forget to share and comment if it helped you. So how was our article on How to facebook ?

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.