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Yesterday facebook announces the annual Year in Review. and publish many events those were popular during this year. Its been a terrible year. Because of Earthquake in Mexico, Hurricane Harvey and the the Manchester terror attack. Facebook mention all these event and how facebook help in the time of crisis, natural disasters and violence around the world by connecting peoples around the world and bringing them together for each other’s aid. Facebook also made a personalized video for every users of facebook thought Facebook Year in Review Does not Work
Year in Review 2018
Facebook year in review video is now available in memory section in facebook. All facebook users are not getting videos, they simply find the message
“let’s take a look back at the memories you made on Facebook in 2018. We’re creating a video just for you and your year. Check back soon to watch it.”
Your video is being made, it may take another day but the video will be available to you. Once the video is available you can edit and share it. How to Make Year in Review Video on Facebook 2018.
If you are new in facebook or don’t post that much on facebook you will not get videos for you. As there will be no contests to make video. “

Thanks for Being Here! Name, we currently don’t have enough content to create your 2018 video. Keep posting to see more memories and have a happy new year.
Peoples are getting their videos now. It will be soon available for you too. Now we need a little bit more to wait. Dont forget to share your video here.
Facebook users are not getting the videos and its been a long waiting. Some facebook users are sharing and enjoying the year in review video and some still cant find anything. They just get is the error message and some details like You made 8 new Facebook friends in 2017, Your friends liked, loved, haha’d and wowed your posts 236 times in 2017 and Your biggest fans in 2017. Some images with of friends in respected category. Facebook should have made this available for all.
Year in Review Video
As we share in our previous post How to Make a Year in Review Video on Facebook. We mention that facebook will create a personalized videos for every users out there. which will be shown up in the News Feed and can be edited and shared with friends. You can Find your video on But We find this is that page

Sorry! We’re not quite ready for you. Come back soon.
This error is shown to every users around the world. May be facebook is making video for each of the users. But as error message said We’re not quite ready for you, some users should be able to share. But non are able to share the video. It should be something wrong in facebook. Its be about 8 hours since I am getting this message but nothing has changed. We will update the post soon if it got changed or updated.
We don’t Have enough Content to make a video
One of our visitor share this image with us. But There are a lot of post and images in his profile. This could be another issue with Facebook Year in Review video tool.

Possible Issue
As the error message says Sorry! We’re not quite ready for you. Come back soon. It means other users should be able to share the videos, It should be ready for some other users of the facebook. It may be because of the large number of users in facebook and large no. of peoples are requesting for the video facebook server is busy on handling it. But I could not find any peoples being able to share their videos. For any part of the world. So may facebook have some issue with it. Or may be facebook is trying to make this service available to all peoples around the world at the same time. Whatever the issue is we hope facebook is working on it. And facebook should make it available real soon.
As Facebook Year in Review Does not Work it only display the error message, The only solution for this could be waiting. Lets hope facebook is working on it and we will be able to share our videos really soon. In the mean time you can check the articles listed below which are the list of Facebook Article that every facebook users should know:
Facebook New Privacy Settings 2017
Upload files in Facebook
Cryptocurrency And Everything You Need To Know
Secure Your Facebook Account Hack Proof
How to Remotely Logout Facebook
Set up 2 Step Verification Facebook
As we shared a video in our post How to Make a Year in Review Video 2017. There is a demo video that may be developed by a facebook employee. There seems Year in Review Works Properly. But its seems something terrible wrong is going on with facebook right now. And then only solution we could do is just wait to make them available for all. Facebook Year in Review Does not Work

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.