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Year in review is a annual program by facebook. On every December facebook create a Year In Review for every users. This year also facebook announced. Facebook’s 2017 Year In Review. Users would see a personalized video in News Feed. In the videos you will find the moments in the facebook from this past year. They could be the photos you like shared or been tagged in. Including those moments facebook will create a short videos for you. It can be edited and shared with friends. During these period Facebook News Feed is full of year in review videos. This post will guide you to create our year in review video on facebook. Here is our Post How to Make a Year in Review Video on Facebook.
Year in Review 2018
As every year there will be personalized video for every users in facebook. Starting on December 10 users can see their personalized video in the news feed. Learn more Facebook’s Year in Review 2018.
Year in review video for 2018 is available in the memories section. Find more how to make Year in review video 2018 on Facebook.
Every year facebook publish about the hot topics from the past year those were published in facebook and shared. Facebook list topics based of the the performance in facebook that year.
Facebook list topics based the users reactions and trending topics. As mentioned by facebook these are the most globally discussed topic of 2017 in Facebook. International Women’s day, Super Bowl 51 and Las Vegas Violence. International Women’s Day was the No. 1 most talked about moment in 2017. As mentioned by facebook this topic was doubling from last year. This include peoples around world sharing and posting about women day celebrations and related issues. More than 262 million views of Super Bowl-related videos on the platform. During Las Vegas Violence more than 3,300 people offer help to their community through facebook’s Crisis Response tools.
Through facebook peoples came together for each other’s aid in the time of crisis, natural disasters and violence around the world. As mentioned by facebook during Earthquake in Mexico, the highest number of total interactions within Crisis Response on Facebook of this year. More than $20 million was raised during Hurricane Harvey as the biggest fundraising effort for a single crisis in 2017. One Love Manchester Was the most viewed video in facebook which generate 80 million views and raised more then $450,000 as mentioned by facebook.
Using facebook Event many peoples around world get together. During Total Solar Eclipse more than 20,000 Facebook Events in were created in more than 80 countries. On January 21, The Women’s March on DC brought over 500,000 people together which is the largest Facebook event for a single cause in 2017.

How is Top List Determined?
Here is what Facebook mentions about the Methodology of the top moments of the year:-
The top moments of this year’s Year In Review were determined by gathering a list of the top keywords by volume mentioned in a single day on Facebook between January 1st and November 1st, 2017. To identify which topics were unique to 2017, we compared these keywords to the previous year’s maximum single-day volume. This means that keywords like Mother’s Day and Halloween, which typically represent the top moments every year, do not repeatedly appear at the top of the list.
Here are some article you need to Check. Click in the articles listed below which are the list of Facebook Article that every facebook users should know 🙂
Facebook New Privacy Settings 2017
Upload files in Facebook
Cryptocurrency And Everything You Need To Know
Secure Your Facebook Account Hack Proof
How to Remotely Logout Facebook
Set up 2 Step Verification Facebook
How to Make a Year in Review Video
Every year facebook publish about the hot topics from the past year those were published in facebook and shared. Facebook list topics based of the the performance in facebook that year. Facebook create a personalized videos for every users out there. which will be shown up in the News Feed and can be edited and shared with friends. Here is information about How to Make a Year in Review Video in facebook. You can edit the images on the video and replace them with your choice. Please Use PC while Editing and sharing as some of the users are facing problem while editing and updating through mobile app. Here is video guide too.
To make your Year in Review Video Visit to (2018 Here you can Find your Video and Other statistics about your Profile. If You cannot find your Video or Some Request Video Button on that Page. You need to wait until Request Video button appear there. Click in the Request Video. It will take some time and you will be noticed through facebook notification whenever the video is ready. Then you can share or edit the Video. Whenever you edit the video you need to wait some for the facebook to make your new video with those edited contents. May Peoples are faceing error while editing. So better Use PC or you can use the option Request Desktop View option in your browser. Here is the Video of Editing and sharing the Year in review Video.
So here we gonna share you How to Make a Year in Review Video on Facebook, As we already mentioned Facebook create a personalized videos for every users out there. which will be shown up in the News Feed and can be edited and shared with friends. You can Find your video on Starting from tomorrow. (Dec 7 2017) This Page will give you Sorry, this content isn’t available right now error for Today. You can find the video starting from tomorrow.

Facebook Just Updated the Page and You can make your video very soon. So with in some moments we can Create The Facebook Year in Review Video and share With all the Friends around the World. Remember you can edit the video before you publish it. This May be Because of large numbers of facebook users. Some of you may can get your video so Don’t forget to click on and Share your Videos. If you are able to create your Year in review Videos Please do Comment below, so other users will get to know about that too.
Its been 9 Hours since I am getting this error message about this year in review “Sorry! We’re not quite ready for you. Come back soon.” There may be issue with facebook, if not it should be available to atlease some of the users, which is not. Facebook Year in Review Does not Work.
Update#3 We’re not quite ready for you.
Finally peoples are getting their videos available to them. It would may take some time but your video will be available really Soon. This error is maybe because of high number of request for Year in Review Video. Don’t forget to share your video With US..
Here is a Year in Review video published on facebook. Your video would look something like this and you can edit before sharing. Here is a demo Video of Year in review with a how to guide. You can view this video by clicking in the link above.
Do you know you can share memory in facebook. It is something like On This Day the last year. You can check it on How to Share memory in Facebook? Facebook update the memory Share and added other additional information, like Friendship ie. It will remind you the day you become friend in facebook. This Tool is not available for all the users of facebook so Have a look and conform yourself.
Download the Year Facebook Videos?
You can always download the facebook videos with few Clicks you can check our post on Download Facebook Video in a click. Only things you need is the url of the post to download the video. Not a third party software neither extension is necessary for this process. With this you can download your year in review videos and keep it be yourself. view your year memory offline.
By now you can share your Facebook video if year in review. Share the video and enjoy the global trending Year in Review Video. How was our post How to Make a Year in Review Video on Facebook Please comment below any suggestions or feedback. Have a good day.

This is Sagar Devkota Co-Founder of Time and Update. I write about Online Earning, Blogging, Web Hosting, Domain Registration, local technical news and some time about Cryptography. I also write about Git, Database, Java, Android, Linux (ubuntu). Studying Bachelor of Software Engineering.